CIRA’s neurointerventional surgeons are experts at aneurysm coiling, a minimally invasive endovascular technique to isolate a potentially life-threatening aneurysm without blocking off smaller nearby arteries or narrowing the main vessel. The neurointerventional surgeon accesses the patient’s bloodstream by entering through the large femoral artery in the groin. A flexible catheter is advanced from the femoral artery to one of four arteries in the neck that lead to the brain. Guided by fluoroscopy, the neurointerventional surgeon steers the catheter through the blood vessels. A special dye injected into the bloodstream makes the blood vessels visible on the monitor, creating a roadmap of the arteries.
Once the catheter reaches the aneurysm, a very thin platinum wire is inserted. The wire coils up as it enters the aneurysm and is then detached. Multiple coils are packed inside the dome to block normal blood flow from entering. Over time, a clot forms inside the aneurysm, effectively removing the risk of aneurysm rupture. Coils remain inside the aneurysm permanently. Benefits of coiling over traditional open surgery include a quicker recovery, less pain, a significantly smaller incision and a more rapid return to normal activities.